Join us as we usher in summer and celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the Kylo Leash!
The festivities will kick off on Friday, July 1st in our Facebook Group and on Instagram with a FREE Mini Adventure Challenge. Registration is required (see registration form below).
- The challenge will consist of 12 tasks/activities for you and your cat to complete together.
- You’ll have until Sunday, July 10th to complete as many tasks as possible.
The excitement will continue on Friday, July 8th when we will be dropping not one but TWO new Kylo products!
- Kylo Leashes & Collars: SPLATTER Edition – now available for pre-order!
- Surprise new addition to the Kylo Collection, to be announced on July 8th
Summer Vibes Mini Adventure Challenge
WHO: Everyone from the beginners to the advanced – there are tasks for everyone, no matter if you’re an outdoorsy or city adventurer!
WHERE: You are welcome to participate anywhere in the world! The festivities will take place in our Facebook Group and on Instagram (follow #kcgsummervibes)
WHY: To push the boundaries of cat expectations, to try new things, to go new places, and to deepen the bond between you and your cat
The challenge will consist of 12 tasks/activities of varying difficulty levels to complete with your cat. You can work your way down the list in any order you wish, completing the tasks and trying new things. It’s a fun way to get ideas of new things to try with your cat!
Examples of activities:
- Wearing a harness
- Participating in a foraging activity
- Performing a training trick
- Going someplace you’ve never been
- Participating in a water activity
- & more!
You may not be able to complete every task on the list for one reason or another – location, weather, personal abilities, etc. That’s okay! The point and expectation is not for everyone to complete every task. Just pick out the ones you’d love or would like to try, and give it a go. We all encourage and cheer each other on along the way!
***Always remember to keep your cat’s safety and comfort as your top priority. Don’t force them to do something they don’t want to do or aren’t ready for.***