Sophie’s 10th Birthday Giveaway

Today, May 23rd, is Sophie’s Birthday! She is turning 10, and we thought we’d celebrate with a giveaway! She is credited with starting us off on this cat adventure journey of a lifetime, after all!

We have an awesome prize pack to give away with a few of Sophie’s favorite things, valued at approximately $245.

Sophie's 10th Birthday Giveaway Graphic

Prize Pack Includes:

How to enter:

Complete the Rafflecopter widget below!

Giveaway open to legal residents of the United States only. Be sure to read the Official Rules!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big “THANK YOU” to our giveaway sponsors, Sleepypod and Catit!

Sleepypod Logo
Catit Logo

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  1. Not sure what the cats name was, but as a kid I was on vacation and my family was leaving a hotel. At the same time I saw a woman carry a black cat out to her car. The way she held this cat you could tell how much she treasured it. The cat had it’s own set up in the back of her hatchback. I remember thinking, hey how come our cats couldn’t come on vacation? Happy birthday Sophie!

  2. Bree likes to go out to the backyard with her harness on but afraid to go anywhere else. I have had a cat years ago that went on trips with us with his leash and harness. His name was Smokey.

  3. Happy Birthday sweet Sophie! Just before getting Barry we were camping at a State Park and saw a cat in the tent in the next site over. Her owner was very friendly and answered the zillion questions we asked her about camping with cats. Then a friend turned me on to Great Grams of Gary who really inspired me with the all intense types of adventures that cats can enjoy.

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