10 Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas for Cat Adventurers

The holiday season is officially upon us! Every year I try to get each of our cats a special something to put in their stockings. Like me, you might be looking for the perfect stocking stuffer gift ideas for your adventure cat. And with all the product shortages and shipping delays everyone is experiencing this year, it’s more important than ever to get your holiday shopping done early.

Don’t worry… we’ve got you covered! Here are our 10 favorite cat adventure stocking stuffers:

*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these links, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. This helps me to continue creating helpful content. Don’t worry – I would never recommend something I don’t like or use myself!

1. A Kylo Leash & Collar Set

Our Kylo Leashes and Collars are perfect for the adventurous kitty who enjoys being out in the wild. They don’t fray, they are durable yet lightweight, they don’t pick up debris from dragging on the ground, and they can be quickly wiped down when dirty! Plus, they come is lots of fun color combos!

You may be thinking we’re biased by recommending our own product, but don’t just take our word for it:

“This leash is EXACTLY what I needed, wished, hoped and dreamed for!” – Kaylin M.

“The Hands-Free Kylo Leash is exactly what we needed in our life and didn’t know.” – Momo & Appa

Kylo Collar and Leash Set - teal and lime green

2. Cat School Clicker Training Kit for Cats

Clicker training is a fun way to engage with your cat and give them the mental and physical workout they need. Plus, it has a lot of practical applications, especially if you and your cat enjoy traveling and adventuring together. (You can click here to read about the many reasons we recommend cat clicker training.)

You will need a couple tools to get started! We personally use and recommend the Cat School Clicker Training Kit for Cats. Paired with the Cat School Clicker Training Membership Course, you’ve got a recipe for an all-star cat!

Cat School Clicker Training Kit

>>Shop the Cat School Training Kit<<

3. Cat First Aid Kit

Safety first! You’d never want to be out on the trail unprepared if your cat were to get cut, stung by a bee, or worse. Carrying a cat first aid kit with you on your adventures is so important. You can check out this post for more information on how to put together a first aid kit for your cat.

4. Churus!

The unofficial cat adventure treat! Churus (or other similar squeezable cat treats) are great because they are high in water content, which means they will help keep your cat hydrated. Plus, most cats seem to go crazy for them! You can never have enough Churus…

>>Shop Churus Now!<<

If you’re a more DIY kind of person, check out our recipe for homemade Churu treats!

woman with cat outside on a harness and leash

5. Freeze-Dried Raw Cat Treats

If you’re working to get your cat to do a new trick, perform a new behavior, or get used to a new situation or environment, a high-value cat treat can give your kitty the extra motivation they need! Freeze-dried raw cat treats (or really any other kind of high-quality cat treat that’s different than what you normally give) are perfect for that!

Freeze Dried Cat Treats - Minnows

>>Shop Freeze-Dried Cat Treats<<

6. Travel Treat Holder

You probably don’t want to carry your cat’s entire bag of treats when you go out for adventures. You can pack just what you need in our travel treat holder. It will keep your cat’s treats air-tight, and it can even fit in your pocket!

7. Kurgo Active Utility Belt

If you’re like me, you have a million things that you take along with you on your adventures. We all know that cat backpack carriers don’t tend to have a ton of storage space, so what do you do with all your adventure accessories? You wear them!

The Kurgo Active Utility Belt is MOLLE-compatible, which means you can add whatever accessories you need to it – your cat’s treat pouch, poop bag holder, LED light, etc. You can also attach your hands-free Kylo Leash to it!

Kurgo Active Utility Belt

>>Shop the Kurgo Active Utility Belt<<

8. Training Treat Pouch

If you’re looking for something a little more substantial than our travel treat holder, a training treat pouch that can also hold poop bags, your phone, keys, etc. is a great adventure accessory to have! If you’re just going out for a shorter walk, this pouch might be all you need to bring along with you!

Paw Lifestyle Training Treat Pouch

>>Shop the Training Treat Pouch<<

9. LED Light

If your cat enjoys nighttime adventures, we definitely recommend having an LED light that attaches to their leash or harness to increase their visibility! An LED light is also a great accessory to have when camping with your cat.

>>Shop LED Lights<<

10. Hex Bugs

Okay, so this recommendation isn’t really adventure-related… but that’s okay! What cat doesn’t enjoy the thrill of the hunt, after all? These battery-powered hex bugs are an inexpensive and fun way to give your cat the change to “hunt” some bugs!

Battery Powered Hex Bugs Cat Toys

>>Shop Hex Bugs<<

woman with cat outside on a harness and leash

headshot of woman holding cat

Emily Hall, ABCCT is a certified cat trainer and cat adventure enthusiast. As a “mom” to five cats and one dog, she has been writing in the pet industry for over 10 years, with a focus on traveling and adventuring with cats.

Emily has a passion for getting out there and doing more with her cats – for pushing the bounds of cat expectations! She and her husband enjoy hiking, road-tripping, camping, and canoeing with their three cat adventurers. Read more about Emily here.

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